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Doug Jones Sends us these jems

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hi john.....the Ducati I've owned for 23years now, motor was done around 10 years ago by Paul at D.T.S. it's got v2 pistons , oil pump and oil filter, 36 mm Dellortos pumpers, heads have been gas flowed, electronic ignition and has the later 3 dog gearbox have covered over 50,000 since with no problems thou its now getting a little smoky on the front pot on the overrun, must see to it this winter. The MV I've had around 11 years and its well used, photo shows it on a camping holiday in Ireland, not much room for me thou when I've got tent and throw-overs on. a standard bike which I've done a full engine re-build.....and it is reliable and starts easily!!!!!! got the condor a couple of years ago off the same mate i got the duke from. Dave fitted a clubman cam, bigger carb and a free flowing Norton commando "silencer" before I got it. I've converted to 12 volt electrics after the rectifier went a.w.o.l great all rounder that's been totally reliable other than the electrics, that's all sorted now I hope!!

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